Sunday, December 2, 2007


If you still do not believe that it is possible to make money online you are a mad sceptic. I can easily change you from non believer to a true believer. I have red a few major blogs, which pull down big bucks online. No one gave away the concrete evidence like John Chow. This man is unstoppable when it comes to making money online with blogging.

John Chow have revealed his income for November. It is more than $27000. He is giving the total report of the November. Click here to check out his earnings. Please do not be jealous. Let this blogger inspire you. I know I am inspired. I just signed up for his free news letter. I want to read his e-book on making money online.

I got to admit he writes really nice posts. I think the tone he is setting is really easy to read. I am from a non english speaking country, English is not my native language. It is nice to read plain English. I think John's earnings will grow further. I am glad he want to share his online earnings with us. I am inspired.

1 comment:

Gerri said...

Yes, he may make himself a lot of money but I am not so much of a fan of his. His blog is not as informative as I wish it could be. I prefer someone like Darren (problogger) a whole lot more. Hope you don't find that offensive.