Friday, July 13, 2007


I found a post on a blog with so much info about what exactly an online business is and how you can start one. The author is called Mike Peters this guy has digged into all the depths of e-commerce.

In this post he shows you the basic steps you should take in order to succeed. He is summing up the high rollers in the game of online money making. Not only that he is summing up their income. Actually he is convincing the readers that making money online is not a hype.

He is saying that after a year starting an online business you can quit your day job, you have to work at least 2 hours a day online.

Mike is writing what the most important things are to succeed in this field. He is saying that you can start with the basic steps such as selling on e-bay, affiliate marketing or consulting.
Go to software projects get the entire post on beginners guide to making money online.

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