Friday, August 31, 2007


You all know how important traffic is. There are actually high traffic sites, but they do not make any money. If you have a high traffic site you should monetize it with Google Adsense. What is Google Adense, Google Adsense is a ad programme.The webmasters are paying Google to place their ads on the left side and the top of the serach engine of Google. Google charge the webmasters per click. The webmasters got to pay a higher amount to get listed on the 1st page than the 2nd one.

Lets say you have a website about BMW cars. It is filled with good content. Make sure your site has original content, because copied sites will be rejected. Then you can go to Adsense set up an account,then you can apply for matching ads for your website to display.

Google will review your website and within 2 days they will inform you if your site is approved or rejected for Google Adsense. It is not easy making money with adsense, with Adsense it is all about the traffic. If you have a good knowledge of search engine optimization you can make quite some money with Adsense.

The payout limit is $100. It is pretty high.


Anonymous said...

Tips Make $500 Dollars a Day with Adsense
If you base your quest to make $500 dollars a day with Adsense on the following, you stand a good chance of sustained success.1. Don’t build a site for AdsenseApart from being against adsense’s TOS, site’s created purely to carry adsense ads don’t work in the long term. They will in all likelihood get banned by Google

admin said...

nice site..we have the same title for our blog.. hope you can visit my blog too: